Top 5 Best Funny Films Like Edge of Seventeen In 2024

Top 5 Best Funny Films Like Edge of Seventeen In 2024

Last Updated on January 25, 2024 by Avinash

The Edge of Seventeen, featuring Hailee Steinfeld, debuted in 2016 and recounts the tale of Nadine, a discouraged and irate teen who faces the passing of her dad.

Top 5 Best Funny Films Like Edge of Seventeen In 2024:

The movie spins around two dearest friends, Naomi, and Eli, who move on from secondary school and attend a university, gradually tracking down their way of living. When Naomi starts to feel seriously drawn to Eli, breaks start to show up in their indistinguishable relationship. That would be great, aside from he’s for the most part gay. Here are some comparable kinds of movies that everybody needs to watch.

1. Charlie Bartlett:

Charlie Bartlett provides an alternative age option for clumsy students to whom the expression “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” simply does not apply. The film starts with Charlie Bartlet, a brilliant, sharp-looking yet ungainly man who has his reasonable part of issues.

His dad is in jail for tax avoidance, his mom is despondent, and it seems he has been removed from a non-public school. When he at last winds up in a state-funded school, he ends up out of his usual range of familiarity and needs to manage a social framework that pushes him to the lower part of ubiquity surveys and harassment.

By making a deal with the biggest bully and giving him advice, therapy, and medication, he begins to play the self-proclaimed school psychiatrist. Considering his degree of PTSD from going to secondary school, he rapidly becomes well known.

2. Lady Bird:

Lady Bird portrays a young lady and her warm yet turbulent relationship. Composed and coordinated by the enormously capable Greta Gerwig, the plot follows two people who search internally to find what makes them most joyful, exclusively, and aggregately. I’m drawing life.

Time magazine named Lady Bird one of the 10 best films of 2017, and it was up for Best Picture, Best Actress, and Supporting Role at the 90th Annual Film Awards due to the outstanding performances of Saoirse Ronan and Laurie Metcalfe. Destinations like the film Edge of Seventeen permit you to read comparable stories as opposed to watching the film.

3. Handsome Devil:

It’s difficult for Ned Roche to be the object of everybody’s jokes, particularly when he’s one of only a handful of exceptional gay understudies at his rugby-fixated all-young men all-inclusive school. A shocking residency takes an emotional turn when new rugby star Connor Experts is named Ned’s flatmate until the end of his residency.

Their troublesome relationship before long transforms into a genuine fellowship, as they choose to set to the side of their disparities and look past the social principles of their school. However, when other students discover the shocking truth about Connor, their relationship is ultimately put to the test.

If you’re searching for a film like The Edge of Seventeen, Attractive Villain is a tale about fellowship and figuring out how to acknowledge each other’s disparities regardless of others’ thought processes.

4. Juno:

Juno is a transitioning kid parody that feels like something other than a high schooler satire, pundits say. Featuring Ellen Page as the title character, Juno recounts the narrative of a secondary school understudy who, in the same way as others of her age, battles to hold things together.

She simply has one little issue that makes her concerns somewhat more muddled than the others. she’s pregnant no, not a debilitated pedophile or anything, but rather an ungainly high school companion of hers, played by Michael Cera, who she likewise made some lengthy memories squash on.

She calmly uncovered that the two were not ready to bring up a kid and she chose to search for new parents when the kid was conceived, with the assistance of her lobbyist guardians.

She believes Imprint and Vanessa Loring to be an optimistic couple. Mark is an easygoing underground rock fan, while Vanessa is an apprehensive obsessive person. Things start to get convoluted when Imprint starts to see Juno as something other than the organic mother of her destined-to-be-embraced child.

The reaction to this film was colossal. It got a wildly energetic applause at its debut at the Toronto Film Celebration, won the Foundation Grant for Best Unique Screenplay, and was designated for three Institute Grants: Best Picture and Best Chief.

5. Clueless:

Clueless is viewed as an extraordinary work of art and appears to be a forerunner to a portion of the incredible movies about turning into a young person nowadays. Fanatics of The Edge of Seventeen will particularly enjoy this film.

Similarly, as Nadine has assumptions about how she should think and act, which just winds up making her hopeless and desolate, so does Cher Horowitz (Alicia Silverstone).

She winds up wearing various dresses. However, Nadine wears a ton of similar blue sweaters, yet the two stories share a great deal practically speaking.


The high school classic “Edge of Seventeen” turned into a moment hit as many teenagers related to the story. We endorse the preceding list solely based on that. We are certain that this list is comprehensive and covers many films of comparable types.



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